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Feminine Excellence

Hello and welcome, we are really pleased you have found us.

As a woman and as a leader you know what is important to you. You know your power to create change and the influence you can bring and yet you are soul searching for another level of your infinite potential. This desire to connect on a deeper spiritual level is indeed a calling from the depth of your soul.

You are answering a soul calling to be more than you are presently experiencing.


Ready to be more of an influencer, more of a change maker, and more in service to others.

Your spirit is ready to develop further.


Artemis is the community for change, with the collaborations to create.

It’s the art and understanding of the energy of your excellence that will give you the clarity of your calling.

Artemis is an alignment to your higher purpose.

To seek the power and attributes of Artemis graces you with the same alignment that is stirring within you.


Julie Anne Hart

Julie works with visionary prophecy creating higher dimensional leadership.

A conduit vehicle for exploring the DNA within oneself, the often-hidden purpose and potential that is never acknowledged, often diminished through layers and layers of external conditioning culturalization, socialization and misplaced values that separates someone from a sense of self and purpose. When the DNA within you is unleashed you become awakened and aware to all that you are.

Pam Bailey

Returning women to the art and spirit of feminine health. An expansion of integrity to know the spirit of her potential to heal, to empower and to lead.

Pam is an expert in change management. Pam uses her innate expertise and high-level corporate experience, connecting you to unlimited leadership to birth your brilliance.

Pam delivers understanding, advancement, the art of leadership and feminine power in a multitude of ways, including the advancement of health and wellbeing, the balance of work, home and leadership. A prelude to the potential, the bespoke potential within the individual.

The Power of Artemis

Artemis never misses. She knows instinctively, intuitively, divinely connected to the highest energy.

She aims high.  She is connected to the Earth, to the elements, to the stars, the moon and the heavens.

She stands for the giver of a new order, the bringer of a new way placing humanity centre stage.

She is the one that shows us how to share, how to collaborate and how to rise through relating in a completely new way.

She is the power. She is the heart. She is Artemis. All who enter her space are graced.

You are being graced with a gateway to your own inner wisdom and deep spiritual learnings

This is not to be taken lightly, but to be honoured, revered, and respected. Balancing the the feminine and the masculine. You walk in wholeness completely guarded and guided by nature, animal spirits and our own allies.

You will be presented with an array of wisdom from an infinite universe for the highest level of spirituality. Artemis holds no fear. She is faith filled as you are faith fillled through your senses and the activation of our own solar system. You walk a high path of purpose, understanding the depth of meaning of everything you are called to do. where success is not shallow. But it is the art of service, the greatest gift, the deepest meaning the highest aim.

The only goal is to grace your earthwork with the footprint of legend leaving that beauty for others to gain This is the role of the ultimate feminine leader for the bold, the brave and those that dare to dance with the destiny of soul and spirit.


This is a full years connection.

With 24 online live intutive sessions for personal, professional and spiritual development, with collaborations and connections.

PLUS 24 pre-recorded sessions with Artemis Resources which address the attributes to access your spiritual power.

Contact us for complementary call – to learn more about our group and what we are creating.